First Editor-in-chief
The editor-in-chief (1993–2006)Ignatenko Gennady VladimirovichThe doctor of jurisprudence, the professor, the Honoured scientist of the Russian FederationIn December, 2006 Gennady Vladimirovich Ignatenko stopped working as the first and permanent editor-in-chief of Russian Juridical Journal. Gennady Vladimirovitch was one of the first who initiated the journal. "RJJ" was created on his initiative and with his active participation in 1992–1993. During 13 years he headed and directed the development of "RJJ". Thanks to Gennady Vladimirovitch efforts the journal has become a recognized and highly demanded source of knowlege among scientists and experts; it has become a valuable scientific edition. That can be acknowledged by the fact that the journal is on the list of the editions which are recommended by the Highest Certifying Commission for the publications of basic results of candidate and doctor's dissertational research. Gennady Vladimirovich was born on July, 23rd, 1927 in Khabarovsk. In 1952 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and in 1955 Postgraduate study of Moscow State University, the faculty of state law, having defended the master's thesis on the theme "The System of representative bodies of the Chinese National Republic" (1956). Since 1961 Gennady Vladimirovich has been working in the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, nowadays the USLU. For 27 years (1971–1998) he was the head of the chair of foreign state and international law, and now he is professor of this chair. In 1968 he defended the thesis for a doctor's degree on the theme «the Basic laws of formation of the state during national-liberation revolution (legal research)» at the faculty of law of the Leningrad State University. In 1969 he was attested as the professor. The basic spheres of scientific activity of Gennady Vladimirovich Ignatenko are the international law, some aspects of general theory of law and constitutional law, problems of international and legal regulation, concepts and classifications of subjects of international law, problems of interaction between international and domestic law, questions of international humanitarian law (human rights and liberties), international criminal law, etc. Gennady Vladimirovich is the author of more than 250 scientific publications, including about 20 monographies, textbooks, manuals. Among them there are the monographies "International law and social progress", "International legal personality" (a co-author), "From the colonial form of state to the national statehood", "System of representative bodies of the Peoples Republic of China". He is one of the authors of the 7-volume book "The course of international law", the editor-in-chief and the co-author of "International law", a textbook for higher schools, which was published 5 times. Gennady Vladimirovich has such state awards as "the Sign of Honour", "the Order of "Friendship", 6 medals; he is the Honourable professor of 2 higher schools of Russia and Kazakhstan, the Assistant of the President of the Russian association of international law, a member of editorial boards of three juridical journals. |