In the autumn of 1992 the idea to publish a scientific and practical journal on the basis of the USLА came true.
The Rector of the Academy at that time was professor M.I.Kukushkin, the Pro-rector for scientific work was professor V.D. Perevalov. Among the main initiators one can note such people as G.V. Ignatenko who was elected as the editor-in-chief, V.S. Yakushev, L.Ya. Drapkin, P.I. Savitsky, V.I. Leushin and V.V. Yarkov who was appointed to the position of the assistant of the editor-in-chief. The creation of the journal was in coordination with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The Ministry and the Academy have assumed functions of the founders of the journal.
It is obvious that such cooperation stimulated quite resolute and optimistic plans. First, the name of the journal spoke for itself and it showed much confidence of the founders. During the registration our variant of the name was approved; «RJJ» is the obvious pretension on the federal status. Secondly, while forming the editorial board and editorial council, we addressed to the well- known lawyers outside the Ural region. Thirdly, we received the consent for future cooperation with authoritative scientists, figures of the juridical education, judges, employees of law enforcement bodies, heads of administrations of some subjects. As a result, we really succeeded in making our journal all-Russian, not only by its name, but in reality.
The journal has found its active authors and the readers’ audience, which embraces practically all legal Russia, though we understand the limitation of its circulation. Our authors live in 50 Russian cities, in a number of the CIS countries and other states.
When in April, 2003 the Academy with the participation of different people invited to mark its 10-th anniversary of the journal, we ascertained that tens of our colleagues addressed to the publications in the journal while writing doctor's (nearly 30) and candidate (more than 60) dissertations. Today (unfortunately with difficulties and delays) the journal is included in the list of the basic scientific editions which are to contain the basic results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of the doctor and candidate of jurisprudence. The new status of the journal has generated authors’ boom, having provided an editorial portfolio for many months, although the editorial board did not feel any lack of manuscripts before.
We are grateful for long-term active cooperation of such scientists and members of editorial board as Z.D. Enikeev (Ufa), I.A. Tarkhanov (Kazan), N.A. Vlasenko (Moscow), V.V. Nevinsky (Barnaul), S.Yu. Marochkin and G.N. Tchebotaryov (Tyumen), Yu.N. Starilov (Voronezh), S.D. Knyazev (Vladivostok), etc. We can’t but thank the professors of our Academy who have shared their knowledge and work in the editorial board. They are V.S. Yakushev, L.Ya. Drapkin, V.I. Leushin, I.Ya. Kozachenko and many others.